
Capture Admin Service REST Documentation

This service is a registry of capture agents and their recordings.

General Notes

Table of Contents

Read methods

Method / Path: GET /agents/{name}.{format:xml|json}
Description: Return the state of a given capture agent
Path params: name: Name of the capture agent
format: The output format (json or xml) of the response body.
Optional (query) params: NONE
Response formats: application/xml
Status codes: 200: OK, {agentState}
404: Not Found, The agent {agentName} does not exist
405: Method Not Allowed, If the {format} is not xml or json
503: Service Unavailable, iCapture agent state service unavailable
Sample: /agents/{name}.{format:xml|json}
Testing form (click to reveal)
Method / Path: GET /agents/{name}/capabilities.{type:xml|json}
Description: Return the capabilities of a given capture agent
Path params: name: Name of the capture agent
type: The Document type
Optional (query) params: NONE
Response formats: text/xml
Status codes: 200: OK, An XML representation of the agent capabilities
404: Not Found, The agent {name} does not exist in the system
Sample: /agents/{name}/capabilities.{type:xml|json}
Testing form (click to reveal)
Method / Path: GET /agents/{name}/configuration.{type:xml|json}
Description: Return the configuration of a given capture agent
Path params: name: Name of the capture agent
type: The Document type
Optional (query) params: NONE
Response formats: text/xml
Status codes: 200: OK, An XML or JSON representation of the agent configuration
404: Not Found, The agent {name} does not exist in the system
Sample: /agents/{name}/configuration.{type:xml|json}
Testing form (click to reveal)
Method / Path: GET /recordings
Description: Return all registered recordings and their state
Path params: NONE
Optional (query) params: NONE
Response formats: text/xml
Status codes: 200: OK, Returns all known recordings.
Sample: /recordings
Method / Path: GET /agents.{type:xml|json}
Description: Return all of the known capture agents on the system
Path params: type: The Document type
Optional (query) params: NONE
Response formats: text/xml
Status codes: 200: OK, An XML representation of the agent capabilities
Sample: /agents.{type:xml|json}
Testing form (click to reveal)
Method / Path: GET /recordings/{id}.{type:xml|json|}
Description: Return the state of a given recording
Path params: id: The ID of a given recording
type: The Documenttype
Optional (query) params: NONE
Response formats: text/xml
Status codes: 200: OK, Returns the state of the recording with the correct id
404: Not Found, The recording with the specified ID does not exist
Sample: /recordings/{id}.{type:xml|json|}
Testing form (click to reveal)

Write methods

Method / Path: DELETE /agents/{name}
Description: Remove record of a given capture agent
Path params: name: Name of the capture agent
Optional (query) params: NONE
Response formats: text/html
Status codes: 200: OK, {agentName} removed
404: Not Found, The agent {agentname} does not exist
Sample: /agents/{name}
Testing form (click to reveal)
Method / Path: DELETE /recordings/{id}
Description: Remove record of a given recording
Path params: id: The ID of a given recording
Optional (query) params: NONE
Status codes: 200: OK, {id} removed
400: Bad Request, {id} is empty
404: Not Found, Recording with {id} could not be found
Sample: /recordings/{id}
Testing form (click to reveal)
Method / Path: POST /agents/{name}
Description: Set the status of a given capture agent
Path params: name: Name of the capture agent
Required (form) params: state: The state of the capture agent. Known states are: idle, shutting_down, capturing, uploading, unknown, offline, error
Optional (form) params: address: Address of the agent
Response formats: text/html
Status codes: 200: OK, {agentName} set to {state}
400: Bad Request, {state} is empty or not known
503: Service Unavailable, Capture agent state service not available
Sample: /agents/{name}
Testing form (click to reveal)
Method / Path: POST /agents/{name}/configuration
Description: Set the configuration of a given capture agent, registering it if it does not exist
Path params: name: Name of the capture agent
Required (form) params: configuration: An XML or JSON representation of the capabilities. XML as specified in (friendly names as keys, device locations as corresponding values)
Optional (form) params: NONE
Response formats: text/xml
Status codes: 200: OK, An XML or JSON representation of the agent configuration
400: Bad Request, The configuration format is incorrect OR the agent name is blank or null
Sample: /agents/{name}/configuration
Testing form (click to reveal)
Method / Path: POST /recordings/{id}
Description: Set the status of a given recording, registering it if it is new
Path params: id: The ID of a given recording
Required (form) params: state: The state of the recording. Known states: unknown, capturing, capture_finished, capture_error, manifest, manifest_error, manifest_finished, compressing, compressing_error, uploading, upload_finished, upload_error.
Optional (form) params: NONE
Status codes: 200: OK, {id} set to {state}
400: Bad Request, {id} or {state} is empty or {state} is not known
404: Not Found, Recording with {id} could not be found
Sample: /recordings/{id}
Testing form (click to reveal)